Innovative critical environment solutions for complete HVAC control

Critical environments demand the most precise and dependable instruments in the HVAC industry. That’s why the top facilities around the world trust Johnson Controls to provide clean air and to protect patients, medical staff, researchers, and scientists from airborne pathogens and dangerous chemicals.

Johnson Controls has a broad product line to provide a complete solution for all your critical environment control and healthy building needs. In addition to best-in-class occupant protection, all of Johnson Controls products meet the regulatory compliance and energy reduction requirements.

Manage your critical environments with confidence and ease with our controllers and monitors that provide staff with the information needed to ensure their hospitals and laboratories are suitable for occupancy. Our Venturi valves help keep airflow clean and ensure occupant all while optimising energy consumption.

Johnson Controls technician inspecting HVAC equipment

Featured Solutions

  • The CMS-1655 Central Monitoring Station allows users to easily monitor up to four FMS room controllers, four HMS fume hood controllers, or a combination of room and hood controllers. Ideal for nurse’s stations and larger laboratories, the CMS-1655 creates a centralized location to easily access critical information.
  • Critical environment control made easy. Johnson Controls FMS-2000C Critical Environment Controller was designed to keep laboratory and healthcare environments safe by enabling users to precisely control and monitor parameter
  • Keep healthcare facilities and laboratories safe with Johnson Controls FMS-2000M Critical Environment Monitor. The monitor is the perfect option if you do not need a full controller for your space. Measure and display room pressure while monitoring
  • The HMS-1655 Fume Hood Controller regulates third party fume hood airflow and exhaust to protect occupants from toxic chemicals, vapors, and dust. Utilizing a closed-loop system, the HMS-1655
  • Johnson Controls Venturi valves are utilized within the HVAC infrastructure of operating rooms, patient isolation rooms, laboratories, and more to protect occupants and provide clean air.
People walking in the corridor of a hospital

Webinar Recording: Optimise Your Critical Environment HVAC Control

Explore the differences between the three most common valves types: Venturi air valves, damper-style VAV boxes, and measured air flow valves. In this webinar, you’ll learn the best application for each, identify features and benefits, and gain a deeper understanding of how to improve your air flow control and keep occupants safe.

Contact us to discuss your Building Automation requirements with one of our experts