Why you Need Generation 6 Fire Detectors

In large commercial buildings there are often multiple tenants occupying the space for different activities, including office space, call centres, canteens, small shops, and gyms. It is a challenge to find detection solutions that can satisfy the need of a multi-use building and help you limit unwanted false alarms.

Generation 6, 850PC Multi Sensor Detectors can help you overcome this problem. The Multi Sensor Detector has six detection modes, and employs three detection channels; heat, smoke, and combustion gas (carbon monoxide). These channels are combined in software designed to provide optimum detection based on the occupancy and risk. If either or both of these change, the detection mode can be changed to suit. Changing modes can be as simple as pressing a button on the panel, or if permanent change is required, it’s a simple reconfiguration in software. Simple and inexpensive compared to other solutions.

Download the “10 Reasons” fact sheet to learn how the ZETTLER Generation 6 range of addressable detectors could protect the things that are important to you.