Cloud-Based Video Surveillance: A Guide

June 19, 2024


In the modern world, where video surveillance is more accessible to businesses, it has quickly become an essential part of security systems in almost all commercial properties and public places.

Partnered with cloud-based technology, video surveillance is more reliable and more affordable than it’s ever been.

What Is Cloud-Based Video Surveillance?

Cloud-based video surveillance is a system that allows the user of the surveillance system to store and access video footage remotely via the internet, much like many people have cloud storage on their mobile phones. Instead of storing video footage on a physical device like a hard drive or DVR, the footage is stored on servers in the cloud. Users can log in to the cloud to access the footage from anywhere if they have an internet connection and a device.

How Does Cloud-Based Video Surveillance Work?

Cloud-based video surveillance works by using IP cameras to capture video footage. These IP cameras are connected to the internet and send the footage to cloud-based servers for storage. System users can access the footage via a web-based interface or mobile app, which can be viewed in real-time or accessed later for playback.

The Benefits Of Cloud-Based Video Surveillance


One of the main draws of cloud-based video surveillance is the accessibility that it offers; users are free to access and view footage from anywhere with an internet connection, meaning they can check in on their business for peace of mind at any given time.


Cloud-based systems can be easily expanded to accommodate more cameras if your business space grows, and more cloud storage space can also be added.


Cloud-based video surveillance is a cost-effective security solution, with some solutions having no upfront costs for the hardware or software; users only pay for the storage space they need

Less Maintenance

Cloud-based video surveillance systems require less maintenance than traditional systems, as the provider maintains the servers.

Choosing A Cloud-Based Video Surveillance Provider

When choosing a cloud-based video surveillance provider, there are a few things to consider to ensure you make the right choice.


Does the provider have a good reputation? Do you know people who use the provider and say good things? Reputation is essential to consider so that you can enter your agreement feeling sure that you’ve made the right choice. Look for reviews and testimonials to gauge current customer satisfaction levels.

Security measures

Look for providers using encryption and other security measures to protect your data. Ask if they offer regular software updates and maintenance that ensures your system stays secure.


Price is always a vital part of choosing a provider; look for providers that offer flexible options based on your individual needs. Avoid long-term contracts and always double-check if a provider charges hidden fees.

If you are looking for cloud-based video surveillance, Johnson Controls offers world-leading technology to protect your commercial property. Take a look here to find out more.

Reach out to us to talk to one of our Security specialists