More effective repairs and faster restarts

The requirement for our value added repair service is a common result of conducting regular proactive maintenance.  Equipment that is working continuously under demanding environments will inevitably incur wear and tear. Aging or run-down equipment will be identified through either on-site or remote monitoring and diagnostics and then preventative correction actions, such as replacing consumables or wearing parts will be recommended. This is known as deferred repairs.

When operating hours reach certain limits, a comprehensive repair overhaul is recommended. When equipment is obsolete, replacement parts may not be available any longer. In some cases a solution to this problem maybe to re-manufacture the needed parts, but at other times a repair may prove to be uneconomic.

When there are no maintenance programs in place, or the programs are not effective, unplanned failures become a risk to the operation of the building systems. Even with in-house maintenance capabilities, Johnson Controls' expertise across a wide variety of building solutions can be the quickest and easiest way to get the building systems fully operational again.

We can enhance the on-site repair service with remote troubleshooting and diagnostics in order to get to the root cause of on-site issues faster and to solve any issue more quickly using our emergency management services.

Features and Benefits

  • Restore normal operating conditions quickly and easily
  • Best-in-class First Time Fix Rate. 
  • Fastest and preferred access to genuine parts (active/discontinued)
  • Round the clock assistance
  • Reactivity commitment within agreed hours

We’re here to guide you to the solutions that make sense.

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